Frequently Asked Questions
What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?
Shipping charges vary based on products purchased. You will be invoiced for shipping after your online purchase. Contact customer service directly for a quote with shipping included.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express. If you wish you use ACH check payment or wire transfer please contact us directly and a sales representative will send you the proper documents required. We also have financing available, contact us for more information.
How long with delivery take?
Delivery takes 1-4 business weeks. If you have questions about your order please contact customer service.
How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
Your data is protected and secure through a secured socket layer on our domain. If you wish yo complete your purchase through the online store, we require our customers to create an account to increase security. We also take orders offline, please contact us and a sales representative will provide pricing and payment authorization documents.
What is your refund and return policy?
Buyer will be charged a minimum 15% restocking fee for all returned goods and/or cancelled orders. Cancellations must be in writing to National MD. Customer is responsible for shipping costs related to cancelled orders and returned goods. All returns MUST be issued a Return Merchandise Authorization number. No credit will be given for items returned to National MD without a Return Merchandise Authorization number if customer claims the goods received are non-conforming or defective, National MD shall have commercially reasonable time in which to repair or replace them with conforming goods, otherwise, National MD’s restocking fee, shipping and other expenses incurred by National MD as a result of this sale will be charged to the customer. Please contact customer service for help with returns.
Do I receive an invoice for my order?
Yes, an invoice will be emailed or if preferred, faxed, to the information you provide during check out or when speaking directly with a sales representative. Contact customer service for any payment issues.