Invest in Ultrasound | National Ultrasound

Invest in Ultrasound


Ultrasound can bring great benefits to physicians world-wide.  Ultrasound is the safest, real-time diagnostic imaging method available today. Advances in technology have improved the imaging quality and affordability of ultrasound machines. You and and your patients will benefit from using ultrasound imaging in your practice.

How the patient benefits:

  • Medical problems can be discovered sooner.
  • Prevents needless tests and stress while waiting for test results.
  • Saves time traveling to a separate location for imaging.
  • May rule out the need for costly studies like MRI, CT, or PET.

How the physician benefits:

  • Allows physicians to better meet patient’s needs and concerns.
  • Staff and physician time required to schedule and reschedule appointments is minimized.
  • The return on investment. Published data shows that the break even payback period for an ultrasound machine could be as short as six weeks.