Fun Sculpting: The Perfect Addition to Your Office | National Medical

Fun Sculpting: The Perfect Addition to Your Office!

In a perfect world, everyone would have the body shape they desired – preferably without having to spend hours on working out, counting calories and implementing the other approaches one uses to keep up their appearance. But, the reality is that for many people, no matter how much working out, dieting or calorie counting is done, there will always be that little bit of extra weight or bulge that just refuses to go away.

Sure, people can try the latest piece of exercise equipment, vibrating belts or sleeves, yet another diet trend or any number of methods but that stubborn problem area is just that – stubborn and seemingly stuck. It is in those situations that body sculpting methods such as liposuction or Fun Sculpting become a great way to get the desired body effect.

The Fun Sculpting liposuction machine is being used in body sculpting offices all across the US. It offers the latest in creating those much-wanted body contours with minimal invasiveness. Consequently, your patients get the best possible results plus a quicker recovery time – making your office the place to go!

Why You Should Fun Sculpting in Your Office

In addition to the speed of recovery and great results, there are several other reasons offices are choosing the Fun Sculpting liposuction machines.

  • Unlike traditional liposuction where the best results are in cases where there is already a low BMI, Fun Sculpting can be used on any BMI, which means you have a better patient selection.
  • Other forms of body sculpting run the risk of causing skin pigmentation due to the heat involved. This process is safe for any skin type.
  • There is no concern of fat transfer or cell viability.
  • Because heat is not a part of the process, your patient is not at risk of being burned during the procedure.
  • While we would like to think that all liposuction procedures have the results, it’s just not the case. However, with Fun Sculpting there is superior sculpting accomplished.
  • There is a less than 1% need for re-treatment. In fact, the Fun Sculpting process has a 99.9% client satisfaction rate!
  • The rate of aspiration is 2.7-6 liters per hour versus the competition’s rate of 500cc to 1 liter per hour.
  • The Fun Sculpting machine has a 2-year warranty, while other liposuction units have only a year.

These are among the many reasons that body sculpting offices all across America are opting to use Fun Sculpting system over traditional body sculpting procedures. If you have questions about the various liposuction methods available, please talk to one of the pros at National MD to learn more.
