What Is A POCUS Provider?

POCUS is an acronym for point-of-care ultrasound. These ultrasounds are usually performed at a patient’s bedside, so they don’t need to move as much as they would for other types of processes. Often a medical professional conducts these diagnoses for either diagnostics or forms of therapies. They then use the results to create a long-term care plan.

Doctors and nurse practitioners find that this form of ultrasound is significant and valuable during emergency medicine. In some cases, a patient with severe injury or illness will further hurt themselves if asked to stand for an ultrasound or move to another table.  

A POCUS provider is certified to give point-of-care ultrasounds to patients. This is important because such procedures can treat serious issues. For example, you will see doctors use POCUS in cases of cardiac arrest and streamline resuscitation. If one can resuscitate a patient whose heart has stopped, the doctors don’t have to rely solely on CPR, which risks breaking the patient’s ribs, or defibrillators, which could leave tissue scars on the heart. They have more tools to allow for deciding which strategy could save a patient’s life.   

Certain programs will provide POCUS fundamentals certificates, to license doctors, nurses, and paramedics for using the process efficiently. Finding appropriate training will give you the means to streamline care and increase productivity.

How Is POCUS Different From Bedside Ultrasounds?

Doctors also use bedside ultrasounds for patients that would have trouble with mobility. These often use traditional sonography and are limited to certain facilities and clinics. In addition, the ultrasound is used solely for when the patient is in bed, awaiting further treatment, and indoors. As a result, it’s limited in terms of scope and potential.  

In contrast, POCUS uses more updated technology to scan patients. It also claims more versatility, owing to the ability to go to the patient’s location. If a patient is outdoors or in an outdoor area with limited access to medical care, POCUS can diagnose their injuries in real-time without needing to be transported to a hospital. The same goes for patients in ambulances if paramedics have the training and the equipment. 

A physician or nurse can use a portable ultrasound to conduct an ultrasound on a patient in various hospital areas, as well as outdoors. If they require one while in the trauma bay, or while waiting in the ER, then the process can not only reduce waiting times but also prevent potential medical complications. 

Streamline Patient Safety With National Ultrasound

National Ultrasound wants to ensure you have the proper equipment and training for patient care. We keep up-to-date on medical developments while retailing new and refurbished ultrasound machines. You can find a model that not only fits your budget but also adheres to your facility’s size and specific needs. 

Reach out to us today if you want to learn about POCUS certification for emergency medicine. National Ultrasound knows that when it comes to medical care and ultrasounds, POCUS is one method to reduce the strain on patients. That’s why having a machine that can provide POCUS and. In that case, the necessary training can make a massive difference within a facility.  
